Zapo Chats
Wife and husband duo (Olivia and Jordan Zapo) tag-team this weekly mental break to dive into topics like relationships, parenthood, and life experiences. Chatting unfiltered about everything from communicating in marriage to life on social media to The Office and everything in between, these episodes will serve as both your weekly catch up with friends and some much needed adulting inspiration. Cheers!
Zapo Chats
Ep 35: Prioritizing Yourself, Finding Hobbies, and Staying Sane
Jordan & Olivia Zapo
Audio Player
00:00 | 24:49
Happy Friday! Today's episode we're chatting about how we prioritize ourselves as individuals in addition to everything else we have on our plate. How on earth do we find time for hobbies? How did we get there? What do we do for fun or what do we enjoy just for US? We hope you enjoy the episode and that this encourages you to do the same! Thanks for listening and happy weekend, friends.
New episode every Friday!
Looking to connect in the meantime? Find us here:
Instagram: @ZapoChats
Olivia's YouTube channel:
Olivia's Instagram: @oliviazapostyle